My younger brother Michael just got engaged to his girlfriend Sarah Elledge. She is such a sweetheart! We love her!... maybe more than we love Mike. Just kidding. But we are so excited for the two of them and to add another person to our family! It's about time someone else in my family got married! (no offense to my other unmarried siblings!)
I was lucky enough to get to go with them for the proposal. Mike told Sarah that a friend in my parents ward (true) offered to take some members from our family on an airplane ride(not true... he asked him to do it). An airplane ride would normally be a dead giveaway to a proposal except Mike told her, "My sister Heidi is going." (True. He knew she wouldn't think he was going to propose if I was taging along.) The thing about 4 seater airplanes is that the people in the front seat wear headsets and really can't hear/see the people in the back. So it really still is personal. So I went with them, took pictures for mike, and helped Nick(the pilot) find "the spot". We took a little tour of fresno and then before landing found "the spot". She was surprised!... but also starting to feel a little sick! ha ha. We landed just shortly after that.... I mean I landed just shortly after that. Since I sat in the front seat, Nick(a pilot instructor) let me fly the airplane and land it (of course with his help!) It was pretty exciting. I'm not sure I like having that much control!
Congrats to Mike and Sarah! I'm glad we could all be a part of making it a memorable proposal!
Making the sign with 50 pounds of flour. Whitney took a tractor and smoothed out a field by where he lives. Even Afton got to help... or more we made her think she was helping!
I climbed on the top of a car to get this pic.
Mike and Sarah in the airlplane ready to take off.
The Fresno Temple. Where they will be sealed! And this picture I took for Logan. His old employer Childrens Hospital.
Millerton Lake
Last stop- "the spot"!I forgot to take a picture of the ring! Michael had it made to be exactly what he knew she would want. It is BEAUTIFUL!
Update- Finally took a pic of the ring!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Proposal
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 4:36 PM 2 comments
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
Mazurs birthday was in April and my parents decided to take him somewhere as a present. We were happy they decided to wait a month so that we could go.
Arriving at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
We went to a lot of shows and stopped by a lot of exhibits. The stingrays were our first stop.
The lady at the penguin exhibit told the crowd that if they had any questions they could ask her. Afton yelled, "Hey! What are their names?!" It's cute what little kids care about. Unfortunately they don't have names... too many to remember.
The Sea Lion Show. I loved that there were so many shows... it mean't fatty me could sit a lot!
How we rolled. Afton felt so cool sitting with Mae Mae. She loves him!
This was the money shot that turned out blurry. Bummer. They were so up close to the Killer Whale.
Dancing on Grandmas' lap at the Killer Whale show.
She loved loved the Shark exhibit.
The tiger show and exhibit.
"Afton, do you need to go potty?" me
"nope!" afton
She lied... luckily I had just decided to put pull-ups on her for the day.
We took a break from the animals and shows to go on some rides. Afton loved the rides but wouldn't go on any of the small ones by herself. We stood in line twice because she said she wanted to ride them but when it got time to, she wouldn't. I was shocked. I know she would have loved. She just barely reached the height requirement line so maybe next time when she's a little taller and older she will want to go on the rides by herself.
Aunt Ashlee was her designated riding buddy. I couldn't go, and the rest of the adults can't handle the spinning!

Of course she insisted on riding the zebra. Why always the zebra? Kids are so random.

We were first in line so she got to ride in the front of the train. She felt pretty cool!

Afton insisted that Ashlee not help her spin the center.

After rides it was back to animals and a few last shows.

As close as possible.

My favorite part of the day was the blue slushie. JK But I really did enjoy it, maybe even a little too much. Little mother like daughter.... blue lip buds.

Jacko the Walrus. He liked having staring contests with everyone. We found out that he's the walrus in 50 First Dates and that part of the movie was filmed there.

A long but fun day. I was happy to not have been sent into labor with all the walking we did!

Posted by Logan and Heidi at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 16, 2011
Spring in Fresno
We're happy to be back here in Cali. I've been fortunate enough to be able to work a couple weeks before the baby comes. Afton has been loving all the attention she's been getting! So many people the play with! Quite the difference from PR where she gets to hang out with just me most of the time. I walked into her room this morning as she was just waking up. She said, "I want grandma." I told her grandma was already at work. Then she said,"I want Ashee." I told her Ashlee was already at work. Then she said, "I want papa." It feels good knowing I'm the last on the list of people she'd like to get her up in the morning. So as you can see she's loving having more than me to play with.
Here are a few other things that we have been up to here in Fresno:
Lot's of bubble blowing, swinging.
Lot's and lots of playing with baby animals!
Water fights with Mae Mae.We're both having a great time here. Can't wait for Logan to finish school in 9 days and come join us!
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 9:54 PM 2 comments