Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
4 month check-up
Weight: 13lbs 4 oz. (5oth)
Height: 25 inches (75th)
Head: 16 inches (40th)
So for some reason Afton only gained 6 ounces this last month! We're not really concerned but the Dr. is going to have us come back in 2 weeks to check up on her weight. He's not worried since she's still in the 50th for her weight but just wants to make sure she continues to gain weight. Other than that she is a happy and healthy baby.
Her too little shot spots on her leg.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 10:27 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Valentines Day!
This year Valentines day was a lot of fun. It just so happened that Logan had the whole weekend off... making it the perfect weekend to take a short trip up to Fresno. We decided it would be fun to not tell Mom and surprise her for her 53rd birthday.(Valentines day...I'm sure my mom loves that I posted her age!) Then we found out that John and Neal were coming home from Utah for John to be ordained an Elder that same weekend. What perfect timing! Logans sister Kristi was also due any day. A few weeks ago when logan talked to her, they were thinking the baby might be early. We thought for sure she would have it before we came up making it an even better weekend to visit! She didn't! I was really bummed... but then the day that we were leaving she went into labor and we ended up getting to go to the hospital to see her and the baby before we left town! It was the perfect weekend to drive up and visit both sides of our families!
For Moms birthday she decided she wanted to go to this brazilian grill that just opened up in Clovis. Lots of Meat! It was really good. We went for lunch since on Valentines day it is nearly impossible to get into a restaurant for dinner, especially with a party of 11!
Logan was there too.... he was just the one taking the group picture.
My two valentines!
Neal threatening to drop mazur in the fountain outside the restaurant.
After lunch we headed over to Logans parents bookstore to say hi and hang out. Papa found the perfect size box for Afton to fit in.
She was perfectly content just sitting in her box!
After the bookstore visit we headed home to start getting ready for the little surprise party we had planned for Mom. We had to pick up and clean the house without mom noticeing... we we're successful! I guess she finds it normal for us to clean the house without her asking! Around ten minutes before a couple of people started showing up. First Sharon and Lori showed up with the tri-tip we ordered from the Meat Market. When Sharon set it down on the counter my mom looked at her and said "Oh is this left over meat that your mom sent this over?" Sharons reply was "uh huh". It was so nice that mom made up an alibi for her. Then David and Debbie Termeer showed up. She didn't think anything about that because they usually stop by. But then when David and Edna walked in with a platter of veggies and dip she said "I feel like I'm being set up." Finally everyone started walking in one after the other. It was really fun to get everyone together.
For her birthday dessert we ordered a bunch of cupcakes from a new bakery in fresno. Unfortunatley we all forgot about candles so we were going to sing to her without lighting a candle. Mike last minute came up with this brilliant idea to just use a candle lighter.... It worked out great and gave us a few laughs.
Mom getting ready to blow out her candle lighter.
Brilliant Mike!
Logan, Afton, Peanut, Sharon, and Me at the Party.
The delicious cupcakes we ordered. We got chocolate, vanilla, red velvet with cream cheese frosting, and carrot with cream cheese frosting. The red velvet ones were my favorite! So good. Funny story.... Mom decided to hold off on eating a cupcake so she saved a carrot cake one for herself and set it up high on top of the oven. The next morning I noticed it wasn't there and asked her if she had eaten her cupcake and she said no but that she was going to have it that day. I asked her where she put it and she turned around to show me and realized it was gone. My dad then owned up to being the cupcake thief. He saw it sitting there and ate it and then realized that the reason it was sitting there was probably because somone was saving it. So she didn't even eat one of her cupcakes! Haha.
After the party we headed over to the Christensens to hang out. The cousins are always so good with Afton!
Kyla, Ella, Afton, and McLane
This as a very intense game of Memory! Ella is so good at this game and usually kicks Logans butt. Luckily he had a little help from Kyla. They ended up tying. Next time we know to take one pair out so a tie isn't possible.
Sunday John was ordained an Elder! My Mom and Dads baby is growing up!
The people that came to support John... minus a few. It was freezing so Dan gave me his jacket.
Nathan and John. In a couple of weeks they will both be having their Eagle court of honor together.
Grandpa is so good at putting Afton to sleep. He had lots of drool on his arm!
And... Introducing Mia Victoria Christensen. Born Sunday afternoon, just in time for us to meet her before our drive home! We also stopped by the Paulines on Sunday but managed to not get any pictures with them. Sorry guys!
Getting ready to leave. Uncle Neal and Uncle Marc playing with the little girl while we got everything ready to go.
I don't think this girl is loved enough! Grandma and Grandpa hate saying goodbye.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lil' Ladybug
Grandma sent Afton the cutest ladybug outfit. We just had to take pictures of her in our home studio... aka a white blanket on the floor. This might be a picture overload!
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 8:29 PM 7 comments
Chippy is Logans monkey puppet from when he was little... and now he is Aftons. Best Buds!
The monkeys the one in the middle. j/k :)
She had a kung fu grip on my bottom lip!
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 7:25 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bombs away!
We've gotten pretty used to getting thrown-up, and spit-uped on!
Just missed all the action! haha
See the yellow arrow? That's how long her spit is! Pretty impressive!
I think once she gets past this stage were going to have to buy all new clothes. The rotten milk smell just sometimes never goes away!
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 3:52 PM 3 comments