We had a lot of fun on Halloween with everyone. We invited our friends Tiff and Tyler over to go trick or treating and hang out with us. It's always a fun time when they're around. Then we met up with the Butlers and Affy's best buddy Carson. Our complex has a mini party and then all the kids go around the whole complex together... we figured that out a little late but made it in time to finish with the group and have pizza and soda.
Carving the pumpkin the Riggs gave Afton. They're pretty hard to come by on the island.
Tyler, Logan, and the Louster
Super Girl
Lou slept through most of it.
Affy and Carson
The Whole Group
the loot
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Ward Halloween Party
We had a good time at the ward Halloween party. I was asked to plan it with the help of a few other people in the ward. It was more work than I had anticipated. But it turned out to be an easy going and fun activity. There were a lot of people that showed up.
Afton decided that she wanted to be a "Super Affy". We went to wal-mart and I had her pick out the colors and fabric she wanted. She had a lot fun picking it out and was so excited for me to make her costume. She asked me everyday up until the party if I had made it. Everyday I said no and she would then ask me all day to make it. She was very persistent. She even got desperate enough and started asking Logan to make it. ha ha. I think next time I won't mention what the fabric is for! She loved wearing her costume and she loved that her sister was a "Super Emery" and matched her.
Logan and I were The Price is Right contestants. It was by far the easiest costume I have had to make. :)
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Logans parents sent Afton a gift card to toys r us for her birthday. We went to the store and she wanted everything. She couldn't decided on just one item. So with a little help from me, we came home with this marble race. She loves it. I wish I could post some of the videos of her and her buddy Carson playing with it. They were screaming and laughing. And it's fun for us adults to help her build new ones. Thanks Nana and Papa.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 11:41 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 7, 2011
This was the worst infestation I have ever experienced in my life. I hope I never have to do this again!! Growing up in California I was pretty used to lots of bugs. And yes, I have had my fair share of weevils, moths, ants etc in the food and pantry but never have I ever heard of FLOUR MITES. And never have I experienced infestations of bugs like we have here in PR! I started noticing white specks around our pancake mix but just thought it was spilt flour or sugar. It wasn't for a while until I realized they were multiplying and everywhere, no longer just around the mix. I stopped and stared at the specks for a while and realized they were moving. I had to google and research things out to finally figure out what it was and how to get rid of them. They are so hard to get rid of. I immediatley threw out all the food in all of my cabinets. They had spread so fast and there was nothing that they did not get through. Literally I had noodles in a plastic bag that was in a sealed plastic container and they were in them. I spent all day working and bleaching my cabinets out. I carried loads of heavy trash down the 5 flights of stairs. Poor Afton and Emery had to watch tv and entertain themselves the whole day. After hours I was done and felt better.
I got up the next day to wipe and bleach out the cabinets again and noticed that there were little white specks all over the utensils in the drawers, then I looked underneath and sure enough they were in all the dishes, pans, in all the ziploc baggies, on the picture frames and letters above the cabinets, all over my cookbooks, in all our medicine and first aid stuff. They didn't just stick to the food. They were in the drawers and all the underneath cabinets as well. It was a disaster and Logan couldn't help at all because of school and some big exams. Luckily Krissy and Heather saved the day. Krissy came over to help clean and Heather watched Afton. I couldn't have done it without them. I was already exhausted from the day before. It took us hours and like 5 bathtubs full of hot bleach water to clean everything out. We had to deep freeze anything that could not be washed and throw out all the rest. Then for 5 days I repeated the process of wiping out the cabinets with bleach water. Just now I'm starting to put things back but I jut can't bring myself to put any food back in there. I'm way too afraid that they will come back. I never ever ever want to have to do that again!!
There was a lot of crying those 2 days. No i did not leave Emery on the floor next to all those choking hazards... But yes I did have to let her cry a little bit so that I could get some things done. I may have shed a few tears myself... it was that aweful!
We had to lay out towels to put all the bleached items on. We still haven't fully recovered from our house being so torn apart for that whole week.
All the cabinets bleached out.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Like usual... just having fun swimming. It's been unusually hot and humid this year. I love that we can go swimming year around, but I am still missing fall.
Emerys been getting in on the swimming fun. She likes it and kicks like crazy when we put her in the water.
It just doesn't quite fit!
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Number 3!
Afton at three years old:
27.8 pds..... still haven't hit 30!
Can count to 10 in spanish.... most days.
Can count to 20 in english.
Knows all her letters and their sounds.
Can write her name and some of her letters.
Loves having mommy and daddy make up stories for her in bed... prefers dada's stories. :)
Loves having family home evening and knows the prophets: Adam, Noah, David, Jonah, Moses, Joshua, and Thomas S. Monson.
Loves singing all the time and making up her own songs!
Favorite songs: book of mormon stories, popcorn popping, slippery fish, shake my sillies out.
Loves reading books.
Loves playing kitchen, Candyland, and Go Fish.
Loves painting and preschool.
Loves her best friend Carson.
Is a total daddys girl but sometimes still just wants mommy.
Favorite activities: swimming, riding her bike, playing outside, dancing, and pretending.
Loves doing puzzles and drawing on her magna doodle.
Loves singing all of the Mary Poppins songs over and over again in the car.
Favorite animal: giraffe (not sure why she said that, but ok.)
Loves all animals but especially dogs.
Loves the movie Tangled.
Favorite colors: orange, pink, yellow.
And we love having her in our family. Such a sweetheart and a little spitfire all at the same time. we couldn't be prouder of our little 3 year old. We love you Affy girl!
Decorating for the big day. I'm glad he likes to put up streamers because I don't.
Birthday morning I asked her what she wanted for breakfast. Even offered to make her mickey mouse pancakes with chocolate chips and all she wanted was yogurt. Well that was easy!
Whipping around her little piggy tails!
Mickey Mouse club house was on in the background so I couldn't get her to look at me. :( On her way to preschool.
After preschool we had invited some of Aftons friends to come and go swimming with us at our complex. I had a lot to carry down and somehow forgot the camera. So no pictures. She had a lot of fun swimming with her friends!
Later that night we invited some freinds to come over for hotdogs, cake, and icecream. She had a lot of fun opening her presents.
Decorating her own cupcake. I had decided to not even attempt decorating a cake after last years epic fail. To humid!
Singing happy birthday... she loved it.
Emery and dad just chillin
Krissy brought over 2 of her dogs for Afton to play with. She was in Heaven! In the kitchen... always in the kitchen.
Playing one of her new games with dada.... WAY past her bedtime!
With all of her birthday presents the next day.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 5:09 PM 1 comments
Mornings 10-1-11
I decided to pop on my portrait lens and take some pictures of the girls. This is how things really are... no posing, dolling up, just a lazy morning at our house.
Aftons so sweet to share her favorite thing in the world, baby alligator, with emery.
This guy gets dragged everywhere. We've finally made the rule that baby alligator has to stay at home. "See Emmy, you shake shake shake."
"Yay, Good job." I love listening to her talk to her baby sister. She loves having a sister, even though she doesn't talk back.
Posted by Logan and Heidi at 4:55 PM 0 comments