Wednesday, April 18, 2012


On Feb 16th we moved into a new place. It is a million times better than our old apartment and it's cheaper. We love it! We owe a big, huge thank you to Lisa and Ryan Harding for helping us get their old apartment.


TV room/ dining area

View from the front area. I took this picture through the window screen, as you can tell. There is a fantastic breeze that comes off of this water. We love it. Aftons is pretty entertained watching the ferry and trains from the windows.


Girls room

Upstairs room and rooftop

Moving all our junk... literally junk. :)

Afton found ways to keep herself entertained through the whole thing.
Lucky for us our new apartment is in the same complex and is pretty much the same set up as our last one. It made moving and putting things away easier!


kirby said...

yay for bigger and cheaper places!! but boo on the internet drama a few posts back. i'm a slave to my modern conveniences and target, i don't think i could cut it there! you're superwoman!